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`On the cusp of the still untitled´

Stones, soundless cracking agent, brass, steel

The work was commissioned by EMMA Museum of Modern Art.

First display on the window of SEB Bank 2020, Helsinki.


Curated by Ingrid Orman & Tuomas Laulainen

Photo © Ella Tommila & Ari Karttunen / EMMA 

`On the cusp of the still untitled´ installed in SEB Bank display window
snail dynamite in progress
Detail of `On the cusp of the still untitled´
Installation view in SEB bank window
Detail of `On the cusp of the still untitled´
Temporal process caused by snail dynamite
Installation view, work commissioned by EMMA Museum
Detail of installation´s temporal events
Detail of the installation´s temporal events
Istallation view in SEB bank display window

© Sari Palosaari, 2020

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